Useful Contacts

Emergency Services

Ambulance / Police / Fire 999
NHS 111 Service 111

Hospital/GP Walk-in Centres

Soho Walk-in 020 7534 6500
Whitechapel Walk-in 020 7092 400
Bart’s Minor Injury Unit 020 3465 5869
Angel Medical practice 02078371663


Clerkenwell Pharmacy 020 7837 9494
Rowlands 020 7837 2252
Boots (Islington) 020 7837 3430
Boots (Holborn) 020 7404 4519
Clockwork (Caledonian Rd) 020 7607 4525

Local Hospitals

UCLH 020 3456 7890
Whittington 020 7272 3070
Bart’s & The Royal London 020 7377 7000
Royal Free 020 7794 0500
Homerton 020 8510 5555
ENT Hospital 020 7915 1300

Social Services

Islington (Children & Families) 020 7527 7400
Islington Mental Health and Social care 020 3317 6805
Camden (Children & Families) (Town Hall) 020 7974 4444

Other Useful Numbers

Islington CCG 020 3688 2900
Camden CCG 020 3688 1700
Camden & Islington PALS (NHS England) 0300 311 22 33
Finsbury Health Centre 020 3316 1100
District nurses 020 3316 1111
Health Visitors 020 3316 1094
Independent Complaints Advocacy Services (ICAS) 0845 120 3784
Physiotherapy/Podiatry 020 3316 1111
Family Planning 020 3317 3737
Stop Smoking  (Islington) 0800 093 9030
Stop Smoking  (Camden) 0800 107 0401